AWCS Ski Tour Canada 2016 Legacy Funds Developing Alberta Coaches

The Alberta World Cup Society set aside a portion of the Ski Tour Canada 2016 Legacy Funds to help develop Alberta Coaches. These coaches will then be better suited to prepare Alberta athlete for success at the Canada Winter Games in February of 2019. Congratulations...

Merci Canmore!

[wpml_language_selector_widget] Merci à tous nos bénévoles, aux spectateurs et à tous nos partenaires.  Votre support pour la Coupe du monde de ski para-nordique de Canmore 2017, nous a permis d’accueillir avec succès 177 athlètes, 101 membres du personnel de 18...

Thank You Canmore!

[wpml_language_selector_widget] Thank you to the volunteers, the spectators, and our event partners for all of your tremendous support for the Canmore 2017 World Para Nordic Skiing World Cup. We successfully hosted 177 athletes and 101 team staff from 18 nations, 250...

Allison McArdle – New High Performance Coach

Alpine Insurance Alberta World Cup Academy announces Allison McArdle as new High Performance Coach The Alpine Insurance AWCA is very pleased to announce that Allison McArdle will be joining our organisation starting January 1st, as a High Performance Coach.  Allison...

Coupe du Monde de ski Paranordique CIP 2017

[wpml_language_selector_widget] C’est avec enthousiasme et honneur que l’Alberta World Cup Society (AWCS) annonce que Canmore accueillera la Coupe du Monde de ski Paranordique du Comité International Paralympique du 7 au 18 décembre 2017. L’AWCS a accueilli avec...