Patrick is the longest standing member of the Academy. With his thick brown hair and impeccable technique he is hard to miss. This will be his 5th year on the Team. Pat was raised in Chelsea, Quebec and raced for Nakkertok along with his 3 siblings before moving to...
The AWCA is a young and exciting team with some very talented new additions. Alberta World Cup Academy Coaches: Chris Jeffries, Pavlina Sudrich Dahria Beatty Whitehorse YK Knute Johnsgaard Whitehorse YK Patrick Stewart-Jones Club Nakkertok Nordique QC Sebastien...
Regional High Peformance Athlete & Coach Development Program for Central and Northern Alberta. The Alberta World Cup Academy initiated a partnership with CRTG (regional high performance team) to provide prospective athletes with a more diverse set of options as...
THE ACADEMY NETWORK OVERVIEW The Alberta World Cup Academy has initiated partnerships with regional high performance teams to provide prospective athletes with a more diverse set of options – as they consider their personal path to international excellence. The...
The Alberta World Cup Academy is very pleased to announce the addition of Pavlina Sudrich to the Academy coaching staff. Pavlina will be joining our team effective immediately to work alongside Head Coach Chris Jeffries in leading the direction of our team into the...